LHD and RHD all over the world
2023-11-23 21:42:01   source:    clicks :

Do you know people from which country choose RHD(right hand drive)?

Do you also know people from which country choose LHD(left hand drive)?

As the native Chinese, we just know what we Chinese people choose Left hand drive, that is to say the wheel of the truck is at the left hand driving on the right side.

And Hongkong choose the RHD, for Hongkong was the Colonia of Grea British. And Hongkong come back in 1997s. But people still adopts RHD, unlike China mainland.

Right-hand traffic and left-hand traffic refer to regulations requiring all bidirectional traffic, unless otherwise directed, to keep either to the right or the left side of the road, respectively.This is so fundamental to traffic flow that it is sometimes referred to as the rule of the road. This basic rule improves traffic flow and reduces the risk of head-on collisions. Today, about 65% of the world's population lives in countries with right-hand traffic and 35% in countries with left-hand traffic.[ About 90% of the world's total road distance carries traffic on the right and 10% on the left. Right-hand traffic predominates across the continental landmasses, while the majority of the world's island nations and territories drive on the left.

As for the sales manager of International business in Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd., there are more and more inquiries all over the world enquiry on our special purpose vehicles. When we give us the detailed price quotation, we should first know they ask for LHD trucks or RHD trucks? For that is very important, the price is much more different of LHD and RHD. And also if the people like to RHD truck, you just produce the LHD truck. Is it ok? Certainly not. You just make a big mistake. He may return back the trucks. Big loss.

So as the specialized international business sales manager, first we should know RHD is suitable for which countries and LHD is suitable for which country.

And we also know comparing to the LHD countries, there are smaller RHD countries in the world choosing RHD.

Do you know which countries?

Anguilla , Antigua , Bahamas
Australia  , Bangladesh  , Barbados  , Bhutan , Botswana  , British Virgin Islands  , Brunei  , Cayman Islands  , Channel Island  , Cooke Islands  , Cocos Island  , Cyprus , Dominica , Fiji , Granada  , Guyana  , Hong Kong , India  , Indonesia  , Ireland  , Isle of Man  , Jamaica , Japan  , Kenya  , Kiribati  , Lesotho  , Macao  , Malawi  , Malaysia  , Malta  , Mauritius , Montserrat  , Mozambique  , Namibia  , Naunu  , Nepal  , New Zealand  , Norfolk Islands  , Pakistan  , Papua New Guinea  , Pitcairn Island  , St.Helena  , St.Kitts and Nevis  , St.Lucia  , St.Vincent  , Seychelles , Singapore , Solomon Islands  , Somalia , South Africa  , Sri Lanka , Suriname  , Swaziland  , Tanzania  , Thailand  , Tonga , Trinidad and Tobago  , Turke, Caicos Islands  , Uganda  , United Kingdom  , Zambia  , Zimbabwe

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