The suitable temperature for foods when transporting
2023-11-23 21:42:01   source:    clicks :

When using the refrigerator truck to transport the different goods, asking for different temperature, adjusted at the driver cab. So before adjusting the temperature of refrigerated insulation van, we should know the accurate temperature of different goods. That is very important.
First, fruits and vegetables to keep fresh, during 2 degree to 8 degree refrigerated area can make the vegetables, fruis, eggs, beers, drinks, etc. fresh and original taste. And the fruits at the 2 degree to 8 degree refrigerated area is grapes, apples, cherries, plums, melons, pears, citrus, peaches, pineapples, banana, etc. And the vegetables at the 2 degree to 8 degree refrigerated area are Western pine mushrooms, asparagus, carrots, cauliflower, green peas, etc.
Second, meats and fishes fresh area, during the degree of zero to 2, at the zero degree, the goods store in the refrigerated van trucks can keep fresh, no-freeze with good nutrition, can store 1-2 days cook fresh meat and fishes. And the meats and fishes fresh at degree of zero to 2 are raw pork, raw cured meat, raw beef, raw chicken, raw mutton, raw ham, eggs, pork sausage, Smoked preserved meat, saled ham, etc.
Third, Variable temperature cold storage area, during the temperature of 2 degree below zero to 14 degree below zero included the following,
A, Water temperature freezing aera( 2 degree below zero to 3 degree below zero), and the foods suitable for the above temperature are margarine, cheese, condensed milk, whipped cream, butter, etc.
B, Micro freezing aera ( 3 degree below zero to 5 degree below zero),
C, soft frozen aera(6 degree below zero to 8 degree below zero),
D, Mild frozen aera (10 degree below zero to 14 degree below zero), these four temperature aera not only can keep non-lose of nutrition, but also have a good fresh taste.
Four, quick frozen aera, during the temperature of 18 degree below zero to 21 degree below zero, meats and quick instant foods can store with a long time. Fast speed frozing with long time. And the suitable foods at this temperature aera are ice-cream, frozen fruits, nspissated juice, frozen fish, fozen beef, frozen mutton, frozen pork, frozen chicken, frozen ham, etc.
To know the suitable temperature of the goods during transporting, then we can control the temperature, etc. 

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